Monday, December 28, 2009

Speaking of Good Scents - aka Good Sense...

Facebook has a group that will read through the Bible during the year 2010.  I'm not sure whose idea this was or who sent it to me, but it certainly makes "Good Sense" to take this opportunity to read through the Bible and receive common emails daily with, so far, almost 10,000 people.  Imagine the impact if all of the Christians on Facebook took this opportunity together.  What kind of changes might take place in our lives and in the world? 

They've asked that we "post on your Wall & Friends Walls an invite to join us on the One Year Bible journey in 2010? Please share this link with your friends: Thanks so much! I hope you'll be joining us on the journey through the Word in 2010?"

I know that I have friends and family who would be interested in this opportunity "online" where we all spend so much time anyway.   Don't let any specific "religion" get in the way of reading and maybe discussing God's Word.  It's not about a "theology," so don't get hung up on that, it's the Bible and only the Bible.  Remember the purposes for reading His Word, folks.  Let's all relax, take time each day to read the Bible together so that "...His Word we will hide in our hearts (together), that we might not sin against Him."  And, because His Word, will be a light to direct our path in a new year.

I hope you join me.  I hope you encourage me to stick with it all year long and I'll do the same for you.

May God Bless All of Us in the new year, may He make His face to shine upon us, and may He always cover us with his Grace and unending Forgiveness.  This is my prayer today.  I hope to see you in the reading of the Bible in the new year.

Judy Congleton Bates
"Child of God"
"Work in Progress"
"Forgiven by His Love"
"Saved by His Grace"
"Washed in His Blood"
"Unworthy of the Gift so freely given"
"Accepting of everlasting life from Him who holds the keys to life and death"

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